If Australia’s resources were taxed the way Norway’s are, we could secure the future of our schools

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg was quick to scotch rumours recently that he was set to increase taxation on oil and gas mining in this year’s budget, despite indications that the outcome of a current treasury review could recommend changes to the application of the petroleum resource rent tax.

The fact that the current Senate inquiry into Australia’s oil and gas reserves has pushed its reporting date back, from 1 March to 16 September, also suggests that any decision to reform this notoriously ineffective tax is being put in the “too hard basket” by the government.

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/24/if-australias-resources-were-taxed-the-way-norways-are-we-could-secure-the-future-of-our-schools

This photo taken on 25 April 2012 shows coal being stockpiled at the coal port of Newcastle, Australia.

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