Coronavirus doctor warns more severe cases in Australia are likely

A doctor who is sleeping just four hours a night while working to diagnose possible coronavirus patients in Sydney says more severe cases in Australia are likely.

The disease has killed 170 people and infected more than 7,500 in China, with seven cases confirmed and several others being tested in Australia.

Jen Kok, a medical virologist with NSW Health Pathology, is one of 10 experts working to diagnose cases at Westmead Hospital.

While most patients in NSW are currently stable, Dr Kok said it was likely more serious cases would develop.

“I think we will [see severe cases in Australia] but whether they go on to pass away or not, I can’t comment on that,” he said.

Dr Kok said the scientists were working round the clock to test samples.

“There’s always excitement about a new pathogen or a new infectious disease but staff are very well trained,” he said.

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